Robert B. Richards

Electronic Engineering Technician

Portland, Oregon

(503) 452-8261




2001 - Present    Where am I now?

The jobs I loved the most were when I got to work with EE's developing the future of audio and/or video equipment (Tektronix and Dolby Labs). I loved that engineering is a creative art, and that I'd get to do some serious learning from the big boys. I've had the hobby of audio electronics since gradeschool, so electronics is home for me in a way. The eventual college degree was very valuable, but there's no substitute for real world experience which I've gotten from my various jobs and many personal projects. After my third layoff from the electronics industry in 2001, and seeing so many jobs in that industry moving offshore (tens of thousands), I decided to take time off to explore other career possibilities. I took many different classes such as Microsoft Office, Business Law, Psychology, Writing, and Website Development.. I explored the possibility of opening my own small business offering high-end stereo preamps, surround sound processors, speaker systems, and more recently guitar amps, all of my own design. I eventually realized that competing with China is economically not feazible. Now that the digital age has taken over, I'm not sure how useful I would be at a lot of electronic jobs (I don't write or troubleshoot code), but I've still got the passion for doing top quality work, and caring about the trajectory of the company I work for, which may be one of my most valuable contributions where ever I work.

6-96 - 9-01     Hewlett-Packard - Verifone Division - Electronic Technician

Troubleshot and repaired VISA card terminals and receipt printers. Both have microcomputers in them. The printers were substantially electro-mechanical. Some SMD technology was involved.

1-90 - 2-93      Sensoray Co., Inc. - Senior Technician

Handled all duties associated with production and calibration of a half dozen board level Z-80 based microcomputer controlled temperature sensing products. They involved analog to digital convertors and thermocouple probes. The company had six employees at the time. Precision calibration techniques were involved. I did part-buying and board assembly coordination as well. Click here for letter of recommendation.

2-88 - 2-90      Tektronix, Inc. - Electronic Technician

Troubleshot and calibrated RF Video Demodulators and Spectrum Analyzer products in a production environment.

3-85 - 2-88      Dolby Labs, Inc. - Engineering Assistant.

Worked with several Engineers to develop future generation Surround Sound ("Pro-Logic") for the home Video-Theater, and Movie Industry. I also did design and construction of custom equipment for the in-house "Listening Rooms" under the direction of Senior Engineer Ken Gundry. I also helped design and build the production test fixture for the Dolby SR noise reduction unit (the Rolls-Royce of analog noise reduction). I also wrote user manuals and factory calibration procedures.
Click here for performance review.

6-84 - 3-85       McCune Audio Visual - Electronic Technician.

Worked on a wide range of audio and video equipment. Also did service work and equipment operation in the field, which I very much enjoyed.

6-83 - 6-84     TOA Electronics, Inc. - Senior Electronic Technician

I was the main phone contact for TOA audio equipment dealers throughout the United States, offering service support and advice for specific user situations. I effectively managed the "Homebase" service department, with three electronic service techs under me.

11-79 - 6-83      Tektronix, Inc. - Digital/Analog Video Engineering Assistant

Worked very closely with one of the best digital video signal processing engineers (Bruce Penney) on a variety of cutting-edge projects including a Digital Test Signal Generator, several NBS tracable test fixtures, and a Digital Video Frame Synchronizer which had our own design state-of-the-art A>D and D>A circuits with custom made Tekronix IC's. It was called the "worlds best" by the head guy at ABC who after checking it out ordered 79 of them for the 1983 Olympics.
Performance review here.

6-78 - 11-79      Tektronix, Inc. - Electronic Technician

Troubleshot and calibrated 400 series 250mHZ oscilloscopes.



Windows 10 and 7, Microsoft Word and Excel, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Cyberlink Power Director 16, SPICE, etc. In about 2001 I passed the test to become "Microsoft A+ Certified".


Associate of Science Degree in Electronic Engineering Technology from LCC in Eugene, Oregon, 1978

and many other classes and seminars on analog engineering, digital troubleshooting, writing, business, law and psychology.


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